Tyndale Bibliography
New Testament, 1526. William Tyndale, The newe Testament as it was written and caused to be written by them which herde yt. To whom also oure saveour Christ Jesus commaunded that they shulde preache it unto al creatures. 1526.
This is the first edition of Tyndale's New Testament, based upon Erasmus 1522, with reference to the Latin Vulgate and Luther's German version of 1522. It is the foundation of all English versions published for three centuries afterwards, with the exception of the Roman Catholic versions, which were based entirely upon the Vulgate. Tyndale first began to print this version with marginal notes in a quarto edition at Cologne, but he was compelled to halt the printing and flee the city to avoid arrest. Only a single copy of it (as far as Matthew chapter 22) survives, now in the British Museum. Tyndale then went to Worms and printed the version (anonymously) in smaller octavo format. There are no prologues to the books, no marginal notes, references, or chapter headings. Three copies of the octavo edition survive. The text is reprinted in the following:
- Edward Arber, ed., The First printed English New Testament: translated by William Tyndale. Photo-lithographed from the unique fragment, now in the Grenville collection, British Museum: edited by Edward Arber. London: [The Selwood printing works], 1871. (Includes Prologue and Matthew 1-22 from the 1525 Cologne quarto, and an important introduction by Arber)
- Pollard Alfred W., ed., The beginning of the New Testament translated by William Tyndale 1525 : Facsimile of the unique fragment of the uncompleted Cologne edition. Oxford: The Clarendon press, 1926.
- The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ: published in 1526. Being the first translation from Greek into English, by that eminent Scholar and Martyr, William Tyndale. Reprinted verbatim: with a Memoir of his Life and Writings, by George Offor. Together with the Proceedings and Correspondence of Henry VIII, Sir T. More, and Lord Cromwell. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1836. Reprinted 1871.
- The New Testament of our Lord and Saviour Jesus Christ. By William Tyndale, the Martyr. The original Edition, 1526, being the first vernacular Translation from the Greek: with a Memoir of his Life and Writings. To which are annexed the essential variations of Coverdale's, Thomas Matthew's, the Genevan, and the Bishops' Bibles, as marginal readings. By J.P. Dabney (Andover and New York, 1837).
- New Testament. Tyndale's First Edition, supposed to have been Printed at Worms by Peter Schaffer in 1526; a Facsimile on Vellum, Illumined, Reprinted from the Copy in the Baptist College, Bristol. With an Introduction by Francis Fry (London, 1862).
- The New Testament: the text of the Worms edition of 1526 in original spelling, translated by William Tyndale, edited for The Tyndale Society by W.R. Cooper, with a preface by David Daniell (London: British Library, 2000).
Pentateuch, 1530. William Tyndale, The Five Books of Moses Called the Pentateuch. With marginal notes. Printed at Marburg(?). One copy survives, in the British Museum. Reprinted in the following:
- Jacob Isidor Mombert, ed., William Tyndale's Five books of Moses, called the Pentateuch: being a verbatim reprint of the edition of M.CCCCC.XXX. Compared with Tyndale's Genesis of 1534, and the Pentateuch in the Vulgate, Luther, and Matthew's Bible, with various collations and prolegomena. London: Samuel Bagster & Sons, 1884. New York: Anson D. F. Randolph & Co., 1884. Reprinted (with a new introduction by F.F. Bruce) Arundel (Sussex): Centaur Press, 1967; and Carbondale: Southern Illinois University Press, 1967.
- David Daniell, ed., Tyndale’s Old Testament: Being the Pentateuch of 1530, Joshua to 2 Chronicles of 1537, and Jonah Translated by William Tyndale; in a Modern Spelling Edition. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1992.
New Testament, 1534. William Tyndale, The newe Testament, dylygently corrected and compared with the Greke by Willyam Tindale: and fynesshed in the yere of oure Lorde God A.M.D. & xxxiiii in the moneth of Nouember. Imprinted at Antwerp by Marten Emperowr, Anno M.D. xxxiiii. (1534). Reprinted in in the following:
- Bagster's English Hexapla (see Bagster 1841).
- The New Testament, translated by William Tyndale, 1534, a Reprint of the Edition of 1534 with the Translator's Prefaces and Notes and the Variants of the Edition of 1525, Edited for the Royal Society of Literature by N. Hardy Wallis, with an Introduction by the Right Honourable Isaac Foot (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1938).
- Tyndale's New Testament, Translated from the Greek by William Tyndale in 1534, in a modern-spelling Edition and with an Introduction by David Daniell (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1989).
New Testament, 1535. William Tyndale, The New Testament yet once again corrected by William Tyndale. Printed in Antwerp by Martin de Keyser and published by Godfrey van der Haghen, 1535. (the "GH" edition, of which only four copies survive). Reprinted in:
A public controversy with Sir Thomas More gave Tyndale an occasion to explain and defend his translation of the New Testament in some detail. The literature of this controversy consists of the following works. More's initial criticism of Tyndale's English version was published in A Dyalogue of Syr Thomas More, Knyghte, wherein he treatyd divers matters, as of the Veneration and Worshyp of Ymages and Relyques, praying to Sayntys, and goyng on Pylgrymage, wyth many othere thyngs touchying the pestylent Sect of Luther and Tyndale, by the tone bygone in Saxony, and by the tother labour'd to be brought into England (London: J. Rastell, 1529). This work, commonly called More's "Dialogue Concerning Heresies," has been reprinted in volume six of the Yale edition of The Complete Works of Sir Thomas More. Tyndale replied to More in An answere vnto Sir Thomas Mores dialoge made by Willyam Tindale. First he declareth what the church is, and geveth a reason of certayne wordes which Master More rebuketh in the tra[n]slacion of the newe Testament. After that he answereth particularlye vnto everye chaptre which semeth to haue anye apperaunce of truth thorow all his .iiij. bokes (Antwerp: S. Cock, 1531). This work has been reprinted with modern spelling in An answer to Sir Thomas More's Dialogue; the supper of the Lord after the true meaning of John VI. and 1 Cor. XI.; and Wm. Tracy's Testament expounded by William Tyndale, edited for the Parker Society by Henry Walter (Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1850). Then More replied to Tyndale at great length in the first three books of The cofutacyon of Tyndales answere made by syr Thomas More knyght lorde chaucellour of Englonde (London: Wyllyam Rastell, 1532), reprinted as "The Confutation of Tyndale's answer" in volume 8 of the Yale edition of The Complete Works of Sir Thomas More (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1973).
- Francis Fry, A Bibliographical Description of the Editions of the New Testament, Tyndale's Version in English, 1525-1566, with Numerous Readings, Comparisons of Texts, and Historical Notices, the Notes in Full of the Edition of 1534, &c., Illustrated with Seventy-three Plates, Titles, Colophons, Pages, Capitals (London: Henry Sotheran & Co., 1878).
- L. Franklin Gruber, The First English New Testament and Luther: The Real Extent to which Tyndale was dependent upon Luther as a Translator (Burlington, Iowa: The Lutheran Literary Board, 1928).
- Gerald S. Hammond, "William Tyndale’s Pentateuch: Its Relation to Luther’s German Bible and the Hebrew Original." Renaissance Quarterly 33:351-85. (1980).
- John R. Slater, The Sources of Tyndale’s Version of the Pentateuch. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1906.
- Henry Walter, ed., Doctrinal Treatises and Introductions to Different Portions of the Holy Scripture by William Tyndale, Martyr, 1536 (Cambridge: University Press, 1848).
- Robert Demaus, William Tyndale, A Biography, being a contribution to the early history of the English Bible (London: Religious Tract Society, 1871. 2nd "popular edition," revised by Richard Lovett, 1886. Reprinted Nashville: Smith and Lamar, n.d.).
- H. Guppy, William Tyndale and the Earlier Translations of the Bible into English (Manchester: John Rylands Library, 1925).
- G. E. Duffield. ed., The Work of William Tyndale (Abingdon: Sutton Courtenay Press, 1964).
- David Daniell, William Tyndale: a Biography (New Haven: Yale University Press, 1994).
- S. L. Greenslade, The Work of William Tyndale, with an essay on Tyndale and the English language by G. D. Bone (London and Glasgow: Blackie and Son, 1938).
- J. F. Mozley, William Tyndale. London: S.P.C.K. Press, 1937.
- John Foxe, The Acts and Monuments of John Foxe, edited by George Townsend. London: Seeley, Burnside and Seeley, 1843-9. Reprinted New York: AMS Press, 1965.
- David Daniell, ed., "Papers from the 1994 Oxford International Tyndale Conference," Reformation 1 (1996). Reformation is a new annual published by the Tyndale Society. It will include essays on Bible studies, language, translation theory, and, of course, Tyndale. This issue is almost wholly devoted to Tyndale and his translations. Some titles: "How They Brought the Good News to Halifax: Tyndale's Bibles and the Emergence of the English Nation State," "Cain's Face, and Other Problems: The Legacy of the Earliest English Bible Translations," "The Poetics of Tyndale's Translation," "Tyndale and His Successors," "On Some Words in Tyndale's Old Testament but Missing from the Authorized Version," "Erasmus and Tyndale on Bible-reading," "On Translating the Old Testament: The Achievement of William Tyndale."