Biblical Commentaries Online
Links updated August 2011
The commentaries linked to on this page differ widely in their quality and usefulness for different purposes. Some are of a devotional nature, and are designed to help preachers and intelligent laymen. These usually offer little help on technical questions, but they often prove most helpful in guiding readers in larger questions of interpretation. Others are written from a highly critical perspective, and these are usually of no help in important theological matters, but I include them because they are often most helpful in the difficult and detailed questions about word usage and in their discussions of the cultural background. Then, there are many commentaries by learned conservatives who provide good technical help while remaining true to the Christian faith. Many of the commentaries linked to here are more than a hundred years old, and so it should not be taken for granted that the interpretations they present are in line with twentieth-century scholarship. I hope that the reader will find what is useful in all these books while exercising spiritual discernment. — M.D.M.
Advice and Reviews
- Calvin's Commentaries. English translation of the famous reformer's commentaries. Also here.
- Matthew Henry's Commentary. The best resource I know for traditional Protestant interpretation and application. Also here.
- Poole’s “Annotations” — Annotations Upon the Holy Bible, Wherein the Sacred Text is Inserted, and Various Readings Annex'd … by the Late Reverend and Learned Divine Mr. Matthew Poole (London: Parkhurst, 1700): vol. 1 (Genesis-Isaiah); vol. 2 (Jeremiah-Revelation).
- Jamieson-Fausset-Brown Commentary. A good concise commentary, much less full than Calvin's or Henry's, but more recent. Also here. Download it in a variety of formats here.
- John Gill's Exposition of the Entire Bible. Though dated in some respects, Gill's (strongly Calvinistic) commentary is especially helpful for theological exposition. Also here.
- Classic Bible Commentaries, courtesy of E-Word Today. Includes commentaries of Gill, Jamieson-Faussett-Brown, John Lightfoot, Ben Johnson, Matthew Henry, McGarvey and Pendleton, and Luther (Galatians). Also the notes of Darby, Wesley, and the Geneva Bible.
- Coffman's Commentaries. Conservative and devotional commentary on the whole Bible by a Church of Christ scholar, James Burton Coffman. Useful for beginning students, but rather florid in style, and theologically Arminian.
- Adam Clarke's Commentaries. Conservative and Arminian.
- Expositions of Holy Scripture by Alexander Maclaren (1908). We might call this a devotional commentary, but it is written on a much higher level than most devotional works. It consists of expository essays on most of the Bible.
- The Treasury of Scripture Knowledge. Not really a commentary, but a collection of cross-references for every verse of the Bible. Scripture is its own best interpreter!
- An Old Testament commentary for English readers, by various writers, edited by Charles J. Ellicott, 5 vols. (London: Cassell, 1882-3): vol. 1; vol. 2; vol 3; vol. 4; vol. 5.
- Alford’s ‘New Testament for English Readers’ — The New Testament for English Readers: Containing the Authorized Version, with Marginal Corrections of Readings and Renderings, Marginal References, and a Critical and Explanatory Commentary, by Henry Alford, D.D., Dean of Canterbury (London: Rivingtons, 1866; 2nd ed. 1868):
Matthew, Mark, Luke (1868, also here and here);
John, Acts (1863, also here);
Epistles of Paul (1865, also here and here);
Hebrews, Catholic Epistles, and Revelation (1866, also here).
- English edition of Hermann Olshausen's 'Biblical Commentary on the New Testament,' in six volumes:
vol. 1, Gospel Harmony (NY 1866. See also editions of
vol. 2, Gospel Harmony continued (1866. Se also editions of
vol. 3, Gospel Harmony continued, Acts, Romans 1-7 (1866. See also edition of
vol. 4, Romans 7–Galatians (1866. See also editions of
vol. 5, Ephesians–Titus (1866. See also edition of
vol. 6, Timothy–Hebrews (1866. See also edition of
- The Expositor's Greek Testament —
vol. 1 (Gospels, also here);
vol. 2 (Acts, Romans, 1 Corinthians, also here);
vol. 3 (2 Corinthians through Colossians, also here);
vol. 4 (Thessalonians, Timothy, Titus, Philemon, Hebrews, James, also here);
vol. 5 (Epistles of Peter, John, Jude, Revelation, also here and here).
- A New Testament commentary for English readers, by various writers, edited by Charles J. Ellicott, 3 vols. (London: Cassell, 1884): vol. 1 (Gospels); vol. 2 (Acts, Romans, Corinthians, Galatians); vol. 3 (Ephesians to Revelation).
- The People's New Testament. A commentary by the Disciples of Christ scholar Barton W. Johnson, first published in 1891. Contains Arminian interpretations, in line with the theology of the American "restoration movement," but otherwise very helpful, with introductions and appendixes. Also here.
- John Wesley's Notes on the Bible provide a concise commentary from an Arminian perspective, though the doctrines peculiar to Arminianism are not emphasized. The notes for the New Testament were originally published as part of Wesley's New Testament.
- e-Catena. By Peter Kirby. References to the New Testament culled from the writings of the Ante-Nicene Fathers. Very helpful for students who want to know how the text was interpreted in ancient times.
- Barnes' Notes on the New Testament. A conservative commentary on the New Testament by an American Presbyterian, Albert Barnes (1832). Also here.
- Expository Notes. By Thomas L. Constable, Senior Professor of Bible Exposition at Dallas Theological Seminary. PDF files for each book of the Bible, giving much helpful background information.
- Notes on the Greek New Testament. By Peter Misselbrook. Brief commentary on all the books of the New Testament designed for students who have some Greek. Consists mostly of quotations drawn from recent commentaries by conservative scholars.
- Word Studies in the New Testament by Marvin Vincent. A very useful resource for teachers. Vincent goes through the entire New Testament briefly noting interesting details about words and phrases. First published in 1886.
- Word Pictures in the New Testament by A.T. Robertson. Similar to Vincent's earlier work, but more up to date in scholarship and more technical. First published in 1933. Also available in smaller (and advertising-heavy) files here.
- IVP New Testament Commentaries at Bible Gateway. A collection of brief and casual commentaries from a moderately conservative perspective, recently published by InterVarsity Press. Currently available online are: Matthew (Craig S. Keener); Luke (Darrell L. Bock); John (Rodney A. Whitacre); Acts (William J. Larkin); 2 Cor (Linda L. Belleville); Galatians (G. Walter Hansen); Philippians (Gordon D. Fee); Colossains (Robert W. Wall); 1 Tim (Philip H. Towner); Philemon (Robert W. Wall); Titus (Philip H. Towner); James (George M. Stulac); 1,2,3 John (Marianne Meye Thompson); and Revelation (J. Ramsey Michaels).
- John Lightfoot's Commentary on the New Testament from the Talmud and Hebraica. Notices many parallels in early Jewish writings that help to explain the New Testament. Also here.
- Bengel’s ‘Gnomon of the New Testament’
- Original Latin — Johann Albrecht Bengel, D. Joh. Alberti Bengelii Gnomon Novi Testamenti. Third edition, edited by Ernest Bengel and Johann Steudel (London: Williams and Norgate, 1862).
- Unabridged English translation by Fausset, Bandinel, Bryce and Fletcher (Edinburgh, 1858) in five volumes:
- Abridged translation with notes by Lewis and Vincent (Philadelphia, 1864): vol. 1 (Gospels and Acts); vol. 2 (Romans to Revelation).
- A Popular Commentary on the New Testament, by English and American Scholars of Various Evangelical Denominations, with Illustrations and Maps, edited by Philip Schaff (also called "The International Illustrated Commentary on the New Testament") :—
vol. 1, Introduction, and the Gospels of Matthew, Mark, and Luke (1879, also here);
vol. 2, Gospel of John and Acts (1880, also here);
vol. 3, Epistles of Paul (1882, also here);
vol. 4, Catholic Epistles and Revelation (1883, also here).
- Doddridge’s Family Expositor, in 6 volumes (1807 reprint):
vol. 1 (first part of Gospel harmony);
vol. 2 (second part of Gospel harmony);
vol. 3 (Acts, also here);
vol. 4 (Romans, 1 and 2 Corinthians, also here);
vol. 5 (Galatians to Philemon);
vol. 6 (Hebrews to Revelation, also here).
- Trollope's Analecta Theologica — Analecta Theologica: A Critical, Philological, and Exegetical Commentary on the New Testament, Adapted to the Greek Text, Compiled and Digested from the Most Approved Sources, British and Foreign ... by William Trollope. In two volumes. (London: T. Cadell, 1st ed. 1830 and 1835, 2nd ed. 1842): vol. 1 of the 1st ed.; vol. 2 of the 1st ed.; vol. 1 of the 2nd ed.; vol. 2 of the 2nd ed.
- The expository writings of Frederic W. Farrar:
The Life of Christ, vol. 1 and vol. 2 (1874, also in one volume here);
The Life and Work of St. Paul , vol. 1 and vol. 2 (1879, also in one volume here);
The Early Days of Christianity, vol. 1 and vol. 2 (1882, also in one volume here).
These volumes amount to a commentary on the whole New Testament.
Commentaries on Individual Books and Groups of Books
For commentary on each book see also "Commentaries on the Whole Bible," "Commentaries on the Old Testament" and "Commentaries on the New Testament" above.
1 and 2 Samuel
1 and 2 Kings
1 and 2 Chronicles
Ezra and Nehemiah
- Delitzsch on Job: 1-22, 23-42.
- Driver on Job (also here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (also here), from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1873)
- Davidson on Job (1884), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Gibson on Job, 2nd ed. (1905), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Zöckler on Job, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Joseph Addison Alexander’s The Psalms Translated and Explained (1850): vol. 1 (1-50, also here), vol. 2 (51-100, also here), vol. 3 (101-150, also here).
- Delitzsch on the Psalms: 1-35, 36-83, 84-150.
- The Student's Handbook to the Psalms, by John Sharpe (London, 1894). Excellent conservative introduction to the Psalms.
- A Commentary on the Psalms: from Primitive and Mediaeval writers, and from the Various Office-books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syrian rites ... by the Rev. J.M. Neale and the Rev. R.F. Littledale (London, 1869-74): vol. 1; vol. 2; vol. 3; vol. 4.
- The Treasury of the Psalter: an Aid to the Better Understanding of the Psalms in their Use in Public and Private Devotions ... Compiled by George Putnam Huntington and Henry Aiken Metcalf. 4th ed. (New York, 1899).
- Alexander Maclaren on the Psalms (from the Expositor's Bble series): vol. 1; vol. 2; vol. 3.
- Augustine on the Psalms — Expositions on the Book of Psalms, by S. Augustine, Bishop of Hippo, Translated, with Notes and Indices, in six volumes (Oxford, 1847-57) translated by E.B. Pusey, H. Walford, and Charles Marriott:
vol. 1, Psa. 1-36 (also here);
vol. 2, Psa. 37-52;
vol. 3, Psa. 53-75;
vol. 4, Psa. 76-101;
vol. 5, Psa. 102-125;
vol. 6, Psa. 126-150.
See also the abridgment published in vol. 8 of the series A Select Library of the Nicene and Post-Nicene Fathers (also here). Students should be aware that Augustine's Psalter is the old Latin version based on the Septuagint.
- Calvin on the Psalms:
- A Commentary on the Psalms: from Primitive and Mediaeval writers and from the various Office-books and Hymns of the Roman, Mozarabic, Ambrosian, Gallican, Greek, Coptic, Armenian, and Syrian rites .. by the Rev. J.M. Neale and the Rev. R.F. Littledale (London, 1869-74). In four volumes:
vol. 1;
vol. 2;
vol. 3;
vol. 4.
- The Treasury of the Psalter: an Aid to the Better Understanding of the Psalms in their use in Public and Private Devotions ... Compiled by George Putnam Huntington and Henry Aiken Metcalf. 4th ed. (New York, 1899).
- Alexander Maclaren on the Psalms (Expositor's Bble):
vol. 1;
vol. 2;
vol. 3.
- George Phillips, A Commentary on the Psalms, Designed Chiefly for the Use of Hebrew Students and of Clergymen (London, 1872): vol. 1; vol. 2.
- Kirkpatrick on Psalms (1906) Cf. also the separate volumes Psalms 1-41 (1901), Psalms 42-89 (1900, also here), Psalms 90-150 (1903, also here), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Briggs on the Psalms: vol. 1 (1-50, also here), vol. 2 (51-150), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (also here), from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1873)
- Moll on the Psalms, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- Delitzsch on the Proverbs: 1-17, 18-31.
- Perowne on Proverbs (1899), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Toy on Proverbs (also at the Internet Achive here, here and here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (also here), from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1873)
- Commentary on Proverbs by William Deane, Stephen Taylor-Taswell and Walter Adeney, from the Pulpit Commentary Series edited by H. D. M. Spence (1891).
- Zöckler on Proverbs, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- Commentaries and articles on the Proverbs compiled by Dr. Ted Hildebrandt of Gordon College.
- Delitzsch on Ecclesiastes.
- Plumptre on Ecclesiastes (1888), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Barton on Ecclesiastes (1908, also here, and at the Internet Archive here and here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (also here), from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1873)
- Zöckler on Ecclesiates, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
Song of Solomon
- Calvin on Isaiah:
- Delitzsch on Isaiah: 1-27, 28-66.
- Lowth on Isaiah. Isaiah: A New Translation, with a Preliminary Dissertation, and Notes, Critical, Philological, and Explanatory, by Robert Lowth, D.D., etc. From the tenth English edition (Boston, 1834). Also here, here, here, and here.
- Delitzsch on Isaiah — Franz Delitzsch, Biblical Commentary on the Prophecies of Isaiah, trans. by James Martin. 2 vols. (1873): vol. 1; vol. 2.
- Gray on Isaiah: vol. 1 (1-39, also here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1875)
- Skinner on Isaiah, chaps. 1-39 (1897), chaps. 40-66 (1898), from the Cambridge Bible series
- T.K. Cheyne on Isaiah: The Prophecies of Isaiah. A New Translation with Commentary and Appendices (London: Kegan Paul, Trench & Co., 1880, 81), in two volumes: vol. 1; vol. 2.
- Wade on Isaiah (1911), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Von Orelli on Isaiah, translated by J.S. Banks
- Nägelsbach on Isaiah, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- Matthew Arnold’s revision of Isaiah: Isaiah of Jerusalem, in the Authorised English Version, with an Introduction, Corrections, and Notes (London: Macmillan and Co., 1883, containing chapters 1-39); Isaiah XL-LXVI with the Shorter Prophecies Allied to It, Arranged and Edited with Notes (London: MacMillan and Co., 1875). Also online is the earlier edition, The Great Prophecy of Israel's Restoration (Isaiah, Chapters 40-66) Arranged and Edited for Young Learners (London: Macmillan and Co., 1872).
Jeremiah and Lamentations
- Calvin on Jeremiah and Lamentations:
- Keil on Jeremiah — The Prophecies of Jeremiah and Lamentations, by C.F. Keil, translated from the German by David Patrick and James Kennedy (Edinburgh, 1880), vol. 1 (1-29), vol. 2 (30-52, and Lamentations)
- Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1875)
- Elliott-Binns on Jeremiah (1919), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Nägelsbach on Jeremiah and Lamentations, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
The Minor Prophets
- John Calvin on Hosea;
Joel, Amos, Obadiah;
Jonah, Micah, Nahum;
Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai;
Zechariah and Malachi.
- Edghill on Amos (1914), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Wade on Micah, Micah, Obadiah, Joel, and Jonah (1925), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Cheyne on Hosea (1884), from the Cambridge Bible series. Also here.
- Driver on Joel and Amos (1898), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Perowne on Obadiah and Jonah (1889), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Cheyne on Micah (1882), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Davidson on Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah (1896), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Perowne on Haggai and Zechariah (1890), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1876)
- The Minor Prophets: A Commentary Explanatory and Practical. By Edward B. Pusey. Conservative and devotional in tone, but with good scholarly substance.
- Harper on Amos and Hosea (1905, also at the Internet Archive here and here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Kleinert, Schmoller, Chambers, Elliot, McCurdy and Packard on the Minor Prophets, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- Smith on Micah, Zephaniah and Nahum, Ward on Habakkuk, and Bewer on Obadiah and Joel (also here and here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Mitchell on Haggai and Zechariah, Smith on Malachi, and Bewer on Jonah (also here and here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Keil on Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah.
- Keil on Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
The Gospels
- Catena Aurea: Commentary on the Four Gospels Collected out of the Works of the Fathers by Thomas Aquinas (Oxford: Parker, 1841):
Matthew 1-10;
Matthew 11-21;
Matthew 22-28;
Luke 1-10;
Luke 11-24;
John 1-10;
John 11-21.
See also the transcription of this work at the Veritas Bible website.
- Calvin on the Synoptic Gospels:
vol. 1,
vol. 2,
vol. 3.
- The Expositor's Greek Testament, vol. 1 (1902).
- George Campbell's ‘Four Gospels’ — George Campbell, The Four Gospels, Translated from the Greek, with Preliminary Dissertations, and Notes Critical and Explanatory. 4 vols. (Boston: W. Wells, 1811): Vol. 1 (dissertations, also here); Vol. 2 (more dissertations); Vol. 3 (translations of the Gospels); Vol. 4 (critical and philological notes, also here). See also the same work reprinted in two volumes of The Works of George Campbell in Six Volumes (London: Tegg, 1840), volume one and two. Also available online is the edition printed in Andover by Gould and Newman (1837), Vol. 1 (containing the dissertations and Matthew, also here); Vol. 2 (Mark, Luke and John, also here). But this Andover edition has many errors.
- Chrysostom on Matthew
- Calvin on the Synoptic Gospels:
vol. 1,
vol. 2,
vol. 3.
- Carr on Matthew (1893), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on Matthew
- Commentary on the Gospel of Matthew, by Dr. Gijs van den Brink (1997). A good conservative and up-to-date commentary, based on the NIV.
- A.T. Robertson on Matthew — A. T. Robertson, Commentary on the Gospel According to Matthew (1911). Also here.
- Plummer on Matthew — An Exegetical Commentary on the Gospel According to S. Matthew by Alfred Plummer (London: Elliot Stock, 1910).
- Allen on Matthew (1907, also at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Mathew, Mark, Luke, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1878)
- Alexander Maclaren on the Gospel of Matthew (1892), from the Expositor's Bible series, in two volumes: vol. 1 and vol. 2
- Lange on Matthew, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. See also the original German work here.
- Calvin on the Synoptic Gospels:
vol. 1,
vol. 2,
vol. 3.
- Rowlandson on Mark (1869, also here). Very conservative.
- Maclear on Mark (1893), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Gould on Mark (1896, also at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on Mark and Luke
- Mathew, Mark, Luke, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1878)
- W.C. Allen on Mark (1915).
- Lange on Mark, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. See also the original German work here.
- Calvin on the Synoptic Gospels:
vol. 1,
vol. 2,
vol. 3.
- Farrar on Luke (1891), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Godet's Commentary on Luke — Frederic Louis Godet, A Commentary on the Gospel of St. Luke By F. Godet, translated from the second french edition by E. W. Shalders and M.D. Cusin (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1875); vol.1 (also here); vol. 2.
- Plummer on Luke (6th ed., 1903, also at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on Mark and Luke
- Mathew, Mark, Luke, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1878)
- Oosterzee on Luke, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Ragg on Luke (1922, also here), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Here I would also list Spencer C. Carpenter’s excellent book Christianity according to S. Luke (London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1919), although it is not a commentary, but a topical treatment of the Gospel.
The Acts
- Chrysostom on the Acts of the Apostles
- Calvin on Acts:
- A Commentary on the Original Text of the Acts of the Apostles, by Horatio B. Hackett (Boston: John P. Jewett and Co., 1852). second edition, 1858.
- Peloubet on Acts — The Teachers' Commentary on the Acts of the Apostles, by Francis N. Peloubet (Oxford, 1901).
- Gloag on Acts: vol. 1, vol. 2, from the International Critical Commentary series
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on the Acts
- John and Acts (also here), from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1880)
- Lumby on Acts (1891), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Lechler on the Acts of the Apostles, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
The Epistles of Paul
- The Life and Epistles of St. Paul, by W.J. Conybeare and J.S. Howson, 7th edition (New York, 1864): vol. 1; vol 2.
- Romans to Philemon, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1881)
- Commentary on Thessalonians, Corinthians, Galatians and Romans, by J. W. McGarvey and Philip Y. Pendleton (1916).
- The Epistles of St. Paul to the Thessalonians, Galatians and Romans, Translation and Commentary by the late Benjamin Jowett, M.A. 3rd edition, edited and condensed by Lewis Campbell (London: John Murray, 1894). Facsimile PDF format.
- John Locke's Paraphrase and Commentary on the Epistles of St. Paul — A Paraphrase and Notes on the Epistles of St. Paul to the Galatians, First and Second Corinthians, Romans, and Ephesians, to which is prefixed an Essay for the Understanding of St. Paul's Epistles, in vol. 8 of The Works of John Locke. A New Edition, Corrected (London: Thomas Tegg, 1823). Also in a reprint (Boston: Hilliard, Gray and Co. , 1832) here. First published in parts, beginning in 1705.
- The Expositor's Greek Testament — vol. 2 (Romans and 1 Corinthians); vol. 3 (2 Cor., Gal., Eph., Phil., Col.); vol. 4 (1 and 2 Thess., 1 and 2 Tim., Titus, Philemon, Hebrews).
- Macknight on the Epistles. — A New Literal Translation, from the Original Greek, of all the Apostolical Epistles, with a Commentary, and Notes, Philological, Critical, Explanatory, and Practical. To which is added, A History of the Life of the Apostle Paul. By James Macknight, D.D. In Six Volumes (London, 1806; Boston, 1810):
vol. 1 (Preliminary Essays and Romans, also here);
vol. 2 (1 and 2 Corinthians, also here and here);
vol. 3 (Galatians, Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, also here and here);
vol. 4 (1 and 2 Thessalonians, 1 and 2 Timothy, Titus, and Philemon, also here);
vol. 5 (Hebrews, James, 1 and 2 Peter, also here)
vol. 6 (Epistles of John and Jude, and supplementary essays, also here and here).
See also the one volume editions (hard to read) of 1835 and 1841.
- Chrysostom on the Epistle to the Romans
- Calvin on Romans.
- Hermann Olshausen on Romans (Edinburgh, 1854)
- Robert Haldane on Romans — Exposition of the Epistle to the Romans, 9th ed. (Edinburgh: William Oliphant, 1874).
- Hodge on Romans — Commentary on the Epistle to the Romans by Charles Hodge, New Edition (Philadelphia: Martien, 1864).
- Moule on Romans (1891), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on Romans
- Sanday and Headlam on Romans (1895, 7th ed. 1902, ninth ed. 1904, 10th ed. 1905). Also at the Internet Archive here, from the International Critical Commentary series
- Romans Verse-by-Verse, by William R. Newell (Moody Press, 1938). A good solid commentary for laymen, by a famous teacher at Moody Bible Institute.
- Godet's Commentary on Romans — Frederic Louis Godet, Commentary on St. Paul's Epistle to the Romans, by F. Godet, translated from the French by Rev. A. Cusin, the translation revised and edited with an Introduction and Appendix by Talbot W. Chambers (New York: Funk & Wagnalls, 1883).
- Fay on Romans, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Chrysostom on First Corinthians
- Chrysostom on Second Corinthians
- Calvin on Corinthians:
1 Cor. 1-14,
1 Cor. 15-16,
2 Corinthians.
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on 1st and 2nd Corinthians
- Lias on 1st Corinthians (1896), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Lias on 2nd Corinthians (1897), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Robertson on 1 Corinthians, from the International Critical Commentary series
- Plummer on 2 Corinthians (1915, also here, and at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- An Exposition of the First Epistle to the Corinthians, by Charles Hodge (1860). Also at Google Books here.
- An Exposition of the Second Epistle to the Corinthians, by Charles Hodge (1862).
- Edwards on 1st Corinthians. A Commentary on the First Epistle to the Corinthians, by Thomas Charles Edwards (1886).
- Marcus Dods on 1st Corinthians, from the Expositor's Bble (1891)
- Kling on First Corinthians, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- Kling on Second Corinthians, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- James Moffatt on First Corinthians.
- Chrysostom on Galatians
- Calvin on Galatians and Ephesians.
- Charles J. Ellicott on Galatians (1854), 2nd ed. (1859, also here), 3rd ed. (1863, also at the Internet Archive here)
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on Galatians
- Perowne on Galatians (1896), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Burton on Galatians (1920, also at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- J.B. Lightfoot on Galatians — Saint Paul's Epistle to the Galatians; A Revised Text with Introductions, Notes, and Dissertations by Joseph Barber Lightfoot;
1st ed. (London: MacMillan, 1865);
2nd ed. (1866);
3rd ed. (1869);
4th ed. (1874, also here).
- G.G. Findlay on Galatians, from the Expositor's Bible (1891)
- Schmoller on Galatians, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Robinson on Galatians (1899), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
Ephesians and Colossians
- Chrysostom on Ephesians
- Chrysostom on Colossians
- Calvin on Galatians and Ephesians.
- Calvin on Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians.
- Charles Hodge on Ephesians (1860).
- Moule on Ephesians (1891), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on Ephesians
- Heinrich A. W. Meyer on Colossians
- Abbott on Ephesians and Colossians (1897, 1903, also at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- J.B. Lightfoot on Colossians and Philemon — St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians & to Philemon: A Revised Text with Introduction and Notes by Joseph Barber Lightfoot, 2nd ed. (1876).
- Moule on Colossians and Philemon (1898), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Charles J. Ellicott on Ephesians (3rd. ed., 1864), 4th ed. (1868)
- Charles J. Ellicott on Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon (3rd. ed., 1865)
- Braune on Ephesians, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. See also the original German work here.
- Braune on Colossians, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. See also the original German work here.
- Westcott on Ephesians (posthumous, edited by J.M. Schulhof, 1906).
- J. Armitage Robinson on Ephesians (1907).
- Chrysostom on Philippians
- Calvin on Philippians, Colossians, Thessalonians.
- Moule on Philippians (1893), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Vincent on Philippians and Philemon (1897, also at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Eadie's commentary on Philippians — John Eadie, A Commentary on the Greek Text of the Epistle of Paul to the Philippians (Edinburgh: T & T Clark, 1869). Second edition, edited by W. Young (1884).
- J.B. Lightfoot on Philippians — St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians: A Revised Text with Introduction and Notes by Joseph Barber Lightfoot, 3rd ed. (1873, also here).
- C.J. Vaughan on Philippians — St. Paul's Epistle to the Philippians, with Translation, Paraphrase, and Notes, for English Readers, by Charles John Vaughan (London: MacMillan, 1885).
- Jones on Philippians (1918), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Charles J. Ellicott on Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon (3rd. ed., 1865)
- Braune on Philippians, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. See also the original German work here.
- H.A.W. Meyer on Philippians.
The Pastoral Epistles
- Chrysostom on 1 Timothy
- Chrysostom on 2 Timothy
- Chrysostom on Titus
- Calvin on Timothy, Titus, Philemon.
- Charles J. Ellicott on the Pastoral Epistles (1856)
- Humphreys on 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus (1895), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Lock on the Patoral Epistles, from the International Critical Commentary series
- Bernard on the Pastoral Epistles — The Pastoral Epistles, edited with and Introduction and Notes, by John H. Bernard (Cambridge, 1906).
- E.F. Brown on the Pastoral Epistles (1917), from the ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series
- Oosterzee on First and Second Timothy, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Oosterzee on Titus, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Huther on 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus, from the English translation of Meyer’s NT commentary series.
- Chrysostom on Philemon
- Calvin on Timothy, Titus, Philemon.
- J.B. Lightfoot on Colossians and Philemon — St. Paul's Epistles to the Colossians & to Philemon: A Revised Text with Introduction and Notes by Joseph Barber Lightfoot, 2nd ed. (1876).
- Moule on Colossians and Philemon (1898), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Vincent on Philippians and Philemon (1897, also at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Charles J. Ellicott on Philippians, Colossians, and Philemon (3rd. ed., 1865)
- Oosterzee on Philemon, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Meyer on Philemon.
The Catholic Epistles
Epistle of James
Epistles of Peter and Jude
- Mayor on Jude and 2 Peter — The Epistle of St. Jude and the Second Epistle of St. Peter; Greek Text with Introduction, Notes, and Comments, by Joseph B. Mayor (London: Macmillan, 1907).
- Bigg on the Epistles of Peter and Jude (1903, also here, and at the Internet Archive here), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Plumptre on 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude (1890), from the Cambridge Bible series
- Fronmüller on the Epistles of Peter, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Fronmüller on the Epistle of Jude, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series.
- Huther on the Epistles of Peter, from Meyer’s NT commentary series.
- Huther on the Epistle of Jude, from Meyer’s NT commentary series.
Epistles of John
Revelation of John
- E.W. Hengstenberg on the Revelation of John, translated by Patrick Fairbairn: vol. 1 and vol. 2.
- Simcox on the Revelation of John (1894), from the Cambridge Bible series. Also here.
- Charles on Revelation, vol. 1 (also at the Internet Archive), vol. 2 (also at the Internet Archive, 1920), from the International Critical Commentary series
- Hebrews to Revelation, from the “Speaker's Commentary” (1881)
- William Milligan on the Book of Revelation, from the Expositor's Bible (1893)
- Lange on the Revelation of John, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- Düsterdieck on the Revelation of John, from Meyer’s NT commentary series.
Apocryphal/Deuterocanonical Books
- Bissell on the Apocryphal Books, from the English edition of Lange's Commentary series. Also here.
- Apocrypha, vol. 1, from the “Speaker's Commentary,” edited by Henry Wace (1888)
- Apocrypha, vol. 2 (also here), from the “Speaker's Commentary,” edited by Henry Wace (1888)
- The Book of Wisdom by William J. Deane (London, 1881).
- The Wisdom of Solomon, in the Revised Version with Notes, by the Rev. J.A.F. Gregg (Cambridge, 1909).
Commentaries Grouped by Series
- Commentaries on the Old Testament by Keil and Delitzsch. A conservative and very scholarly series originally published in German, and translated into English during the nineteenth century:
Exodus 1-11;
Exodus 12-40;
1 and 2 Samuel;
1 and 2 Kings;
1 and 2 Chronicles;
Job 1-22;
Job 23-42;
Psalms 1-35;
Psalms 36-83;
Psalms 84-150;
Proverbs 1-17;
Proverbs 18-31;
Song of Songs;
Isaiah 1-27;
Isaiah 28-66;
Jeremiah 1-29;
Jeremiah 30-52 and Lamentations;
Ezekiel 1-28;
Ezekiel 29-48;
Hosea, Joel, Amos, Obadiah, Jonah and Micah;
Nahum, Habakkuk, Zephaniah, Haggai, Zechariah, and Malachi.
- English translation of the NT commentary series edited by Heinrich A. W. Meyer: on
Mark and Luke;
1st and 2nd Corinthians;
1 and 2 Thessalonians;
1 and 2 Timothy, Titus;
1 and 2 Peter;
Epistles of John;
These are English translations of the commentaries published in the Kritisch-exegetischer Kommentar zum Neuen Testament series begun by Heinrich August Wilhelm Meyer in 1832 and completed in 1859 with the assistance of J.E. Huther, Friedrich Düsterdieck and G.K.G. Lünemann. The series represents a moderately conservative approach, and is augmented by notes added by American editors of the English translations. The volumes are also available, in both English and German, at the Internet Archive site.
- The International Critical Commentary. This series is quite liberal and higher-critical in outlook, but very useful for philological, text-critical, and historical background information. —
Skinner on Genesis (also here);
Gray on Numbers;
Driver on Deuteronomy (1903, also at the Internet Archive here);
Moore on Judges (1895, 1910, also at the Internet Archive here, here, and here);
Smith on 1 and 2 Samuel (1899, 1902; also at the Internet Archive here, here, and here);
Montgomery on Kings;
Curtis on Chronicles (also here);
Batten on Ezra and Nehemiah;
Paton on Esther (1908, also at the Internet Archive here, here, and here);
Driver on Job (also here);
Briggs on the Psalms: vol. 1 (1-50, also here), vol. 2 (51-150);
Toy on Proverbs (also here and here);
Barton on Ecclesiastes (1908, also here, and at the Internet Archive here and here);
Gray on Isaiah: vol. 1 (1-39, also here);
Harper on Amos and Hosea (1905, also at the Internet Archive here and here);
Smith on Micah, Zephaniah, Nahum, Habakkuk, Obadiah and Joel (also here and here);
Mitchell on Haggai, Zechariah, Malachi and Jonah (also here and here);
Montgomery on Daniel;
Allen on Matthew (1907, also at the Internet Archive here);
Gould on Mark (1896, also at the Internet Archive here);
Plummer on Luke (6th ed., 1903, also at the Internet Archive here);
Gloag on Acts: vol. 1, vol. 2;
Sanday and Headlam on Romans (1895, 7th ed. 1902, ninth ed. 1904, 10th ed. 1905). Also at the Internet Archive here;
Robertson on 1 Corinthians;
Plummer on 2 Corinthians (1915, also here, and at the Internet Archive here);
Burton on Galatians (1920, also at the Internet Archive here);
Abbott on Ephesians and Colossians (1897, 1903, also at the Internet Archive here);
Vincent on Philippians and Philemon (1897, also at the Internet Archive here);
Frame on 1st and 2nd Thessalonians (1912, also at the Internet Archive here);
Lock on the Patoral Epistles;
Moffatt on Hebrews;
Ropes on James (1916, also at the Internet Archive here);
Bigg on the Epistles of Peter and Jude (1903, also here, and at the Internet Archive here);
Brooke on the Epistles of John;
Charles on Revelation, vol. 1 (also at the Internet Archive), vol. 2 (also at the Internet Archive, 1920);
- The “Speaker's Commentary.” The Holy Bible, According to the Authorized Version (A.D. 1611): With an Explanatory and Critical Commentary and a Revision of the Translation, by Bishops and Other Clergy of the Anglican Church, edited by Frederic C. Cook. Published in London by J. Murray, in eleven volumes 1871-1881, followed by 2 Apocrypha volumes edited by Henry Wace. This series is deliberately conservative. It represents conservative Anglican scholarship at the end of the nineteenth century, in reaction to the liberal higher-critical approach. —
vol. 1, part 1 (1871) Genesis and Exodus;
vol. 1, part 2 (1871) Leviticus to Deuteronomy;
vol. 2 (1872) Joshua to I Kings (also here);
vol. 3 (1873) II Kings to Esther;
vol. 4 (1873) Job, Psalms, Proverbs, Ecclesiastes, Song of Solomon (also here);
vol. 5 (1875) Isaiah, Jeremiah, Lamentations;
vol. 6 (1876) Ezekiel, Daniel, and the Minor Prophets;
New Testament, vol. 1 (1878) Mathew, Mark, Luke;
vol. 2 (1880) John and Acts (also here);
vol. 3 (1881) Romans to Philemon;
vol. 4 (1881) Hebrews to Revelation;
Apocrypha, vol. 1 (1888);
Apocrypha, vol. 2 (1888, also here).
- The Cambridge Bible for Schools and Colleges. Although the authors of this series use critical methods, their interpretations tend to be moderately conservative. —
Maclear on Joshua (1897);
Lias on Judges (1896);
Kirkpatrick on 2nd Samuel (1890);
Lumby on 1st Kings (1886);
Lumby on 2nd Kings (1891);
Barnes on 1st and 2nd Chronicles (1899);
Davidson on Job (1884);
Kirkpatrick on Psalms (1906) Cf. also the separate volumes
Psalms 1-41 (1901),
Psalms 42-89 (1900, also here),
Psalms 90-150 (1903, also here);
Perowne on Proverbs (1899);
Plumptre on Ecclesiastes (1888);
Harper on the Song of Solomon (1902);
Skinner on Isaiah,
chaps. 1-39 (1897),
chaps. 40-66 (1898);
Davidson on Ezekiel (1893);
Driver on Daniel (1900);
Cheyne on Hosea (1884);
Driver on Joel and Amos (1898);
Perowne on Obadiah and Jonah (1889);
Cheyne on Micah (1882);
Davidson on Nahum, Habakkuk and Zephaniah (1896);
Perowne on Haggai and Zechariah (1890);
Carr on Matthew (1893);
Maclear on Mark (1893);
Farrar on Luke (1891);
Plummer on John (1902);
Lumby on Acts (1891);
Moule on Romans (1891);
Lias on 1st Corinthians (1896);
Lias on 2nd Corinthians (1897);
Perowne on Galatians (1896);
Moule on Ephesians (1891);
Moule on Philippians (1893);
Moule on Colossians and Philemon (1898);
Findlay on 1st and 2nd Thessalonians (1898);
Humphreys on 1st and 2nd Timothy and Titus (1895);
Farrar on Hebrews (1891);
Plumptre on James (1890);
Plumptre on 1st and 2nd Peter and Jude (1890);
Plummer on the Epistles of John (1889, cf. also the revised edition of 1896);
Simcox on the Revelation of John (1894).
- The ‘Westminster Commentaries’ series, edited by Walter Lock. "The series will be less elementary than the Cambridge Bible for Schools, less critical than the International Critical Commentary, less didactic than the Expositor's Bible; and it is hoped that it may be of use both to theological students and to the clergy, as well as to the growing number of educated laymen and laywomen who wish to read the Bible intelligently and reverently." (Prefatory Note by the General Editor). —
Driver on Genesis: 4th edition (1905), 10th edition (1910);
NcNeile on Exodus (1908, also here and here);
Gibson on Job, 2nd ed. (1905);
Wade on Isaiah (1911);
Elliott-Binns on Jeremiah (1919);
Redpath on Ezekiel (1907);
Edghill on Amos (1914);
Wade on Micah, Micah, Obadiah, Joel, and Jonah (1925);
Ragg on Luke (1922, also here)
Robinson on Galatians (1899);
Jones on Philippians (1918)
E.F. Brown on the Pastoral Epistles (1917);
Wickham on Hebrews (1922)
Knowling on James (1922).
- The English edition of Johann Peter Lange's Theologisch-homiletisches Bibelwerk, translated, edited and enlarged by Philip Schaff and others:
Theological and Homiletical Introduction to the Old Testament, by J.P. Lange, translated by Tayler Lewis and A. Gosman;
Genesis, by J.P. Lange, translated by Tayler Lewis and A. Gosman;
Exodus, by J.P. Lange, translated by Charles M. Mead (also here);
Leviticus, by Frederic Gardiner (also here);
Numbers, by J.P. Lange, translated by Samuel T. Lowrie and A. Gosman;
Deuteronomy, by Wilhelm Julius Schröeder, translated by A. Gosman;
Joshua, by F.R. Fay, translated by George R. Bliss (also here);
Judges, by Paulus Cassel, translated by P.H. Streenstra (also here);
Ruth, by Paulus Cassel, translated by P.H. Streenstra (also here);
First and Second Samuel, by Chr. Fr. David Erdmann, translated by C.H. Toy and John A. Broadus (also here);
First and Second Kings, by Karl Chr. W.F. Bähr, translated by Edwin Harwood and W.G. Sumner (also here);
First and Second Chronicles, by Otto Zöckler, translated by James G. Murphy;
Ezra, by W. Schulz, translated by Charles A. Briggs;
Nehemiah, by Howard Crosby;
Esther, by W. Schultz, translated by James Strong;
Job, by Otto Zöckler, translated by L.J. Evans (includes also a General Introduction to the Poetical Books by Philip Schaff);
Psalms, by Carl Bernhard Moll, translated by Charles A. Briggs, John Forsyth, James B. Hammond, and Fred. McCurdy (also here);
Proverbs, by Otto Zöckler, translated by Charles A. Aiken (also here);
Ecclesiastes, by Otto Zöckler, translated by William Wells (also here);
Song of Solomon, by Otto Zöckler, translated by W. Henry Green (also here);
Isaiah, by Carl Wilhelm Eduard Nägelsbach, translated by Samuel T. Lowrie and Dunlop Moore (also here);
Jeremiah and Lamentations, by Carl Wilhelm Eduard Nägelsbach, translated by Samuel Ralph Asbury;
Ezekiel, by F.W. J. Schröder, translated by Patrick Fairbairn and William Findlay (also here and here);
Daniel, by Otto Zöckler, translated by James Strong (also here and here);
The Minor Prophets, by Paul Kleinert, Otto Schmoller, George R. Bliss, Talbot W. Chambers, Charles Elliot, John Forsyth, J. Frederick McCurdy, and Joseph Packard (also here);
The Apocrypha, by Edwin Cone Bissell;
Theological and Homiletical Introduction to the New Testament, by J.P. Lange, translated by Philip Schaff;
Matthew, by J.P. Lange, translated by Philip Schaff;
Mark, by J.P. Lange;
Luke, by J.J. Van Oosterzee, translated by Philip Schaff and Charles C. Starbuck;
John, by J.P. Lange, translated by Edward D. Yeomans (also here);
Acts of the Apostles, by Gotthard Victor Lechler, translated by Charles F. Schaeffer (also here);
Romans, by F.R. Fay, translated by J.F. Hurst;
First Corinthians, by Christian Friedrich Kling, translated by Daniel W. Poor (also here);
Second Corinthians, by Christian Friedrich Kling, translated by Conway P. Wing (also here);
Galatians, by Otto Schmoller, translated by C.C. Starbuck;
Ephesians, by Karl Braune, translated by M.B. Riddle;
Philippians, by Karl Braune, translated by Horatio B. Hackett;
Colossians, by Karl Braune, translated by M.B. Riddle;
First and Second Thessalonians, by C.A. Auberlen and C.J. Riggenbach, translated by John Lillie;
First and Second Timothy, by J.J. Van Oosterzee, translated by E.A. Washburn and E. Harwood;
Titus, by J.J. Van Oosterzee, translated by George E. Day;
Philemon, by J.J. Van Oosterzee, translated by Horatio B. Hackett;
Hebrews, by Carl Bernhard Moll, translated by A.C. Kendrick;
James, by J.J. Van Oosterzee, translated by J. Isidor Mombert;
Epistles of Peter, by G.F.C. Fronmüller, translated by J. Isidor Mombert;
Epistles of John, by Karl Braune, translated by J. Isidor Mombert;
Epistle of Jude, by G.F.C. Fronmüller, translated by J. Isidor Mombert;
Revelation of John, by J.P. Lange, translated by Evelina Moore (also here).
- Also online are the following original German volumes of Lange's Theologisch-homiletisches Bibelwerk:
Matthew, by J.P. Lange;
Mark, by J.P. Lange;
John, by J.P. Lange;
Ephesians, Philippians, Colossians, by Karl Braune.